
telegram bot for youtuber

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram bot for your youtube channel

  1. the bot creates log
  2. the bot shows subscribers and view statistic info for selected youtube channel.
  3. once every n seconds the bot check the change in the number of subscribers and sends a notification to the designated contacts if the numbers have changed

build on heroku and use postgres

day stat

week stat

month stat

don't forget to create tables and specify your config vars on Heroku

variable name type description
CHANNEL_NAME str name of the channel and table to store data in database
DATABASE_URL str connection string for your database
PROJECT_NAME str just name of your project. use to make heroku web hook
TELEGRAM_TOKEN str create your bot and get the token here
YOUTUBE_TOKEN str your token more info
DELAY int sleep time (seconds)

for local use, create config.py with environ variables

import os

os.environ['CHANNEL_NAME'] = 'name of the channel and database you create'
os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = 'con. string'
os.environ['PROJECT_NAME'] = 'bot name'
os.environ['TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = '<your token>'
os.environ['YOUTUBE_TOKEN'] = '<your token>'
os.environ['DELAY'] = 900 # sleep time

Telegram bot для вашего youtube канала:

  1. пишет логи
  2. возвращать по запросу количество просмотров и подписчиков канала на youtube.com
  3. раз в n секунд проверять изменение количества подписчиков и отправляет уведомление обозначенным контактам если цифры изменились

Настроен на работу с сервисом heroku и базой данных posgressql.

day stat

week stat

month stat

Не забудь создать нужные таблицы и прописать переменные окружения в Heroku

variable name type description
CHANNEL_NAME str name of the channel and table to store data in database
DATABASE_URL str connection string for your database
PROJECT_NAME str just name of your project. use to make heroku web hook
TELEGRAM_TOKEN str create your bot and get the token here
YOUTUBE_TOKEN str your token more info
DELAY int sleep time (seconds)

Для локального исполнения, создай файл config.py с переменными окружения

import os

os.environ['CHANNEL_NAME'] = 'name of the channel and database you create'
os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = 'con. string'
os.environ['PROJECT_NAME'] = 'bot name'
os.environ['TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = '<your token>'
os.environ['YOUTUBE_TOKEN'] = '<your token>'
os.environ['DELAY'] = 900 # sleep time