
An application where you can create and host events built using vuejs, vue-router, vuex and firebase.

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enter image description here

Getting Started

Clone this repo on to your local machine


This project uses firebase. So create a firebase project. Then create a file named firebase-cnfig.js in the root of src folder and add the firebase app credentials in it as:

export const config = {
  apiKey: 'XXXXXXX',
  authDomain: 'XXXXXXXX',
  databaseURL: 'XXXXXXX',
  projectId: 'XXXXXXXX',
  storageBucket: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
  messagingSenderId: 'XXXXXXXXXXX'

We use firebase cloud funcions. So install firebase CLI globally using:

npm install -g firebase-tools

Then cd into your project folder and log in via the browser and authenticate the firebase tool:

firebase login

cd into functions folder of your project and install dependencies:

cd functions

npm install

We use algolia to add searh functionality.

Create an Algolia account at

Enable Billing on your Firebase project by switching to the Blaze or Flame plans you need billing enabled to allow external requests. For more information have a look at the pricing page.

Set the algolia.app_id and algolia.api_key Google Cloud environment variables to match the Algolia application ID and API key of your account. For this use:

firebase functions:config:set algolia.app_id="myAlgoliaAppId" algolia.api_key="myAlgoliaApiKey"

Now deploy your functions using

firebase deploy --only functions


Get a development env running Install the project dependencies and start the dev server

// in the root directry of the project
npm install

//serve the app
npm run serve