
This is an Alexa skill for playing Groovy Podcasts (also written in Groovy). Uses AWS Groovy Lambdas.

Primary LanguageGroovy

Alexa Groovy Podcast

This is an AWS Groovy Lambda Alexa skill for playing podcasts from the 'Groovy Podcast'. This demonstrates the community based java sdk https://github.com/vanderfox/alexa-skills-kit-java that had added Audio Directive support and other current pull requests and bug fixes. To build your app: gradlew build

To deploy your app, set up your AWS credentials in ~/.aws/credentials file like so:

[vanderfox] aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_KEY

Now to deploy:

gradlew deploy

For more detailed directions on getting a skill working see: https://github.com/rvanderwerf/alexa-groovy-podcast

This skill was generated with Lazybones using the templates here: https://github.com/rvanderwerf/alexa-groovy-lazybones