
Note: Please update the RVBoards image to V0.5 or above

Generate the kernel image rvboards_boot.img

1 Compile the kernel with./ and generate rvboards_img/rvboards_boot.img

Configure the default config and board.dts

1. config

   1. cp config_rvboards_d1 .config
2. rvboards_dts

   1. cd arch/riscv/boot/dts/sunxi/
   2. cp board.dts_rvboards_d1 board.dts

2 Download the cross-compile toolchain and configure CROSS_COMPILE in

Baidu network disk link:

Extract code:3o5v

Note:The cross-compilation toolchain is extracted from the Zhan D1 Nezha Tina SDK. The directory is as follows:


Replace the kernel image rvboards_boot.img

 #1. Create a new Boot folder in the desktop directory
root@RVBoards:~/Desktop#  mkdir boot

 #2 mount the boot partition
root@RVBoards:~/Desktop# mount /dev/mmcblk0p4 boot/

 #3 Check if mount was successful
root@RVBoards:~/Desktop# ls boot/
'System Volume Information'   boot_debian.img   config.txt   rt-smart
 boot.img                     boot_tina.img     overlay
 #4. Place rvboards_boot.img in the boot directory and configure config.txt
root@RVBoards:~/Desktop/boot# vim config.txt
	## kernel=rvboards_boot.img
 #5. Restart to rvboards_boot.img
root@RVBoards:~/Desktop/boot# reboot