
ArchivesSpace plugin to add a material types subrecord to Accession records

Primary LanguageRuby

Yale Material Types README

Getting Started

Download the latest release from the Releases tab in Github:


Unzip the release and move it to:


Unzip it:

$ cd /path/to/archivesspace/plugins
$ unzip material_types-vX.X.zip

Enable the plugin by editing the file in config/config.rb:

AppConfig[:plugins] = ['some_plugin', 'material_types']

(Make sure you uncomment this line (i.e., remove the leading '#' if present))

See also:


You will need to shutdown archivesspace and migrate the database:

 $ cd /path/to/archivesspace
 $ scripts/setup-database.sh

See also:


How it works

When this plugin is installed, you will see a new Material Types subrecord form in the Accessions form. After adding a Material Types subrecord to an Accession you can check the material types that apply to the Accession.

You can set default Material Types by clicking 'My Repository Preferences' in the user dropdown menu. Checked Material Type preferences will be checked by default when a new Material Types record is created.

The Material Types are based on http://vocab.getty.edu/aat