FrameVR Automate API Helper

This is a helper library for the FrameVR Automate API for Node. It is a wrapper around the API that makes it easier to use.

Please consult the FrameVR Automate API documentation for more information.


const FramevrAutomateApi = require('framevr-automate-api');
const apiKey = '12345-ABCDE';
const room = 'your-room';

const api = new FramevrAutomateApi(apiKey, room);
api.setLogger(console.log); // Optional if you want to output any debug messages

const activeScene = await api.getActiveScene();  // Returns active scene data
await api.setActiveScene(3); // Sets active scene to slide #3

Available Methods

Check the FrameVR Automate API documentation for available parameters

  • constructor(apiKey, room)
  • addAdmins(emails)
  • addMembers(emails)
  • changeActiveScene(scene)
  • changeFrameSettings(settings)
  • createImage(settings, assetSettings)
  • createModel(settings, assetSettings)
  • createTextArea(settings, assetSettings)
  • createTextLabel(settings, assetSettings)
  • editImage(assetId, data)
  • editModel(assetId, data)
  • editTextArea(assetId, data)
  • editTextLabel(assetId, data)
  • getAdmins()
  • getActiveScene()
  • getMembers()
  • getLibraryAssets(assetType, filterType, count)
  • getAssetInfo(assetType, assetId)
  • getImageInfo(assetId)
  • getModelInfo(assetId)
  • getTextAreaInfo(assetId)
  • getTextLabelInfo(assetId)