
Font glyphs for GL Styles with open fonts

Primary LanguageShell

Open Font Glyphs for GL Styles

This project packages the most common free fonts with fontnik so you don't have to worry about SDL and gzipped PBFs. The fonts are deployed to https://free.tilehosting.com/ which also supports concatenating fonts.

Configure Mapbox GL Style JSON

Your current Mapbox GL Style JSON configuration for glyphs will look like this.

"glyphs": "mapbox://fonts/openmaptiles/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",

In order to use the fonts without a Mapbox API key edit your Mapbox GL Style JSON and change the endpoint for glyphs to http://fonts.openmaptiles.org/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf.

"glyphs": "http://fonts.openmaptiles.org/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",

Supported Font Families

The following fonts that are available in Mapbox Studio are supported.

  • Google Noto (patched by Klokan Technologies)
  • Open Sans
  • PT Sans
  • Roboto
  • Metropolis

Package the Fonts

Install genfontgl.

npm install genfontgl

Generate fonts.


Font License

Please mind the license of the original fonts. All fonts are either licensed under OFL or Apache.