
A shadowsocks deployment on aws copilot

Primary LanguageShell

On-demand Shadowsocks VPN via AWS copilot

You can easily spin up containerized, lightweight, and secured SOCKS5 proxy on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate using AWS Copilot. Destroy it when you are done and only pay for what you use.

This guide is created for OSX users.


  1. Follow the Installation docs to install AWS Copilot CLI.

  2. Setup your AWS Credentials

  3. Clone this repository git clone git@github.com:rvelic/shadowsocks-copilot.git && cd shadowsocks-copilot


  1. copilot app init
  2. copilot env deploy --name production
  3. copilot svc deploy --app shadowsocks --env production --name libev

You can check your running service and its status with copilot svc show and copilot svc status


To delete everything run copilot app delete


To the awesome people at shadowsocks-libev and AWS Copilot