
Console related code for Delphi

Primary LanguagePascal


A few console related units for Delphi:

  • Velthuis.Console, a replacement for the old Turbo Pascal DOS Crt unit, but this time for Win32 and Win64; see http://www.rvelthuis.de/programs/console.html
  • Velthuis.AnsiConsole, a simple unit using ANSI escape codes and TermIO to perform some of the functions of velthuis.Console, but for Xterm consoles
  • Velthuis.AutoConsole, a unit that, when included, will stop console programs from closing, when they are not started from a Windows console window; see http://www.rvelthuis.de/programs/autoconsole.html

The project ConsoleDemo shows a few of the features of the unit Velthuis.Console.