
Realtime Security Analytics Platform using Bro and MapR-Streams/MapR-DB

Primary LanguageRuby

Raptor Security Analytics Platform: Realtime Security Event Processing

This repository holds some of my sample code until I can start getting this project more organized. It is designed to run on MapR Streams and MapR-DB.

Running on Marathon/Mesos

I am running these models/servers on Marathon. Here are the steps I'm using:

For the Models (not the HTTP Server):

  1. Download the JRuby standalone JAR (http://jruby.org/download)
  2. Place the JAR in a shared Filesystem (MapR-FS)
  3. Invoke the jobs in Marathon using the following command line: java -jar /mapr/cluster.raptor.beer/frameworks/jruby.jar /mapr/cluster.raptor.beer/models/dns_events/dns_consumer.rb

For the HTTP Server

You will need to bundle up the Sinatra gem (and related gems) into a JAR file to provide to the standalone JRuby. To do this, follow these steps first:

  1. Create a new gems directory (mkdir gems)
  2. Execute the JRuby Gem installer to install sinatra into the new gems directory (change the path to JRuby): java -jar /mapr/cluster.raptor.beer/frameworks/jruby.jar -S gem install -i ./gems sinatra --no-rdoc --no-ri
  3. Bundle that directory into a JAR: jar cf gems.jar -C gems .
  4. Move that JAR into a shared Filesystem (MapR-FS)
  5. Execute the Sinatra server using the following command line: java -jar /mapr/cluster.raptor.beer/frameworks/jruby.jar -r /mapr/cluster.raptor.beer/frameworks/gems.jar /mapr/cluster.raptor.beer/apps/streams_rest_server/server.rb