
Generate and stream CSV files with Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Generate and stream CSV files with Express

This is a test project, using node streams to deliver on demand csv files to clients.

The used packages:

  1. express as http server
  2. @faker-js/faker to generate fake data
  3. csv-stringify to convert object in csv

It also uses Readable.from to create a Readable Streams from a generator and AbortController to stop the download if the client cancel the request.


This project uses docker compose:

docker compose up -d


npm run docker:up

The startup sequence is:

    direction LR

    nginx: Load Balance
    db: Postgres
    seed: Seed
    app: Application

    [*] --> db

    db --> seed

    seed --> app

    state app {
        direction LR

    app --> nginx

    nginx --> [*]


To destroy the services, including volumes and images:

docker compose down --volumes --rmi all


npm run docker:down


In the browser

The url http://localhost/download-csv will download a 10.000 line csv file. But this endpoint has two query params:

  1. size is the number of lines

Examples http://localhost/download-csv/?size=50000 will download a csv with 50k lines.

With curl

The url and query params are the same.

# this command to see the lines building up
curl http://localhost/download-csv?size=500
# this command to download the file, and see the progress
curl http://localhost/download-csv?size=500 -o ./file.csv


Because it uses Node Streams and asynchronous delay (it's simulates requests) this example can handle a lot of requests at once without blocking or getting out of memory