
Persistent real-time IRC logs with React front-end

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Meeseeks displays IRC messages in web browser. Demo at developers.lv.

Messages are stored in RethinkDB. Then they are pushed to React client via Socket.IO.


It's easy to run your own msks and start coding me features!


Make sure you have recent version of Node.js. To manage multiple versions of node, try nvm.


Make sure you have yarn installed for package management.

Install dependencies of both codebases by going to server/ & client/ respectively and running yarn.

RethinkDB & Elasticsearch

Msks server requires RethinkDB & Elasticsearch. I'm using Docker containers for that, but that's not a requirement.

docker run -d --name msks-rethink -p 28015:28015 -p 8080:8080 rethinkdb

docker run -d --name msks-elastic -p 9200:9200 -e "http.host=" -e "transport.host=" docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss:6.1.0


Copy config.example.toml to config.toml. Default config should be good enough to get your msks up and running.

Run Server

From server/, run yarn run start. This starts HTTP server and IRC chatbot.

Run Client

From client/, run yarn run start. This starts webpack watcher and static server.