
Kefir bindings for Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Kefir bindings for Redux

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npm install --save redux-kefir

createProjection(store: ReduxStore): KefirProperty

Creates an observable of state over time from a Redux store.

import { createProjection } from 'redux-kefir'


Given store, create a projection:

let stateProjection = createProjection(store)

To do anything useful with the newly minted stateProjection, we must use the Kefir API.

observableMiddleware: ReduxMiddleware

Enables dispatching Kefir observables and Flux Standard Actions that have observable payloads.

import { observableMiddleware } from 'redux-kefir'


createStore = applyMiddleware(observableMiddleware)(createStore)

Given a store and an action creator count(payload: number): FSA, dispatch a stream of count actions. For clarity and DRY, we'll define a stream creator obs:

let obs = () => Kefir.sequentially(50, [1,2,3])

Dispatch new observable stream, mapping its values through the action creator:


Or dispatch an FSA that has observable payload, essentially, inverting control:


Both examples have the same outcome:

at t + 0.05s dispatched {type: "count", payload: 1},
at t + 0.10s dispatched {type: "count", payload: 2},
at t + 0.15s dispatched {type: "count", payload: 3},
then ended.