
Sample of distributed messaging system based on Redis pub/sub Developed and tested on Node 5.1.0.


git clone
cd redis-distributed-messaging
npm i

Entire log's output presents in bunyan format, so you need to install bunyan globally:

npm i -g bunyan 


First, start master node. --flush option clears all info about running nodes in redis and kills all running nodes:

node app.js --flush | bunyan

Then, add some count of listener nodes by running next command several times:

node app.js | bunyan

clear error queue:

node app.js --getErrors | bunyan

Config sections and options:

  • redis - redis connection parameters
  • MessageGenerator
    • sendInterval - interval to send stub messages
    • deliveryTimeoutTime - Time to wait for delivery message response from node. On timeout removes from node list
    • sendNextMessageOnDelivery - if true, every next message sends when delivery response recieved on timeout. Otherwise every next message sends with fixed interval sendInterval
  • NodeManager
    • pingInterval - fixed interval to send ping to closest next node. Each node pings next node clockwise
  • clearErrorQueue
    • concurrency - number of parallel LPOP requests to redis
  • MessageEmitter
    • maxListeners - number of maxListeners on each channel. Best value depends on setInterval value and listener nodes count


  • Migrate to Babel
  • Use Promise (Bluebird) instead async module and ES7 async/await
  • Add comments all public methods
  • Add unit tests, using Mocha test framework, Chai, Sinon
  • Add highload benchmarks