Understanding the effect's direction through the "eff_size" function
JulianGaviriaL opened this issue · 7 comments
The data:
# The Linear Model:
m001 <- lm(Observations ~ Group ,data=r_001)
lm(formula = Observations ~ Group, data = r_001)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.22600 -0.08271 -0.03100 0.06900 0.36400
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.38600 0.01978 19.514 <2e-16 ***
Grouppre -0.06439 0.03097 -2.079 0.0411 *
#Compute the effect size
E_r001 <- emmeans(m001, "Group")
ES_r001<- eff_size(E_r001, sigma = sigma(m001), edf = Inf)
contrast effect.size SE df lower.CL upper.CL
ctr - pre 0.485 0.233 74 0.0202 0.95
sigma used for effect sizes: 0.1327
Confidence level used: 0.95
I need to understand the direction of the effect in terms of the difference between levels "ctr" and "pre" of the factor "Group". Why do I obtain a positive effect size (i.e., effect size=0.485) if the difference between the intercept (Groupctr=0.38600) and the slope Grouppre is negative (-0.06439)?
Considering how the data is modeled in lmer ("ctr" is the first level, and "pre" the 2nd level of the "Group" factor), I would expect a negative effect size. Therefore, I would interpret the results as follows: The mean difference between "ctr" and "pre" indicates a larger effect in "ctr". However, I am doubtful due to the positive effect size.
Many thanks in advance for your comments.
As you state, the reference level is ctr
and the other level is pre
, meaning that the regression coefficient for the intercept is the prediction for ctr
, and that for Grouppre
is the change from ctr
, i.e., pre - ctr
; and it is negative. However, in the eff_size
output, the row label is ctr - pre
(not pre - ctr
), which therefore must be positive. So your effect size does have the correct sign.
If you want the difference to go the other way, use
eff_size(E_r001, sigma = sigma(m001), edf = Inf, method = "revpairwise")
Thank you very much Prof. @rvlenth
Just one last thing, if possible. How can I list the same effect size from multiple emmGrid objects (>100)? For instance:
ES_r001<- eff_size(E_r001, sigma = sigma(m001), edf = Inf)
ES_r002<- eff_size(E_r002, sigma = sigma(m002), edf = Inf)
ES_r200<- eff_size(E_r200, sigma = sigma(m200), edf = Inf)
Ideally, the list would include all effect sizes. Something like:
**#Ideal output**
ES contrast effect.size SE df lower.CL upper. CL
ES_r001 ctr - pre 0.299 0.302 70 -0.304 0.901
ES_r002 ctr - pre -0.03 0.224 70 -0.304 0.044
ES_r200 ctr - pre 0.299 0.802 70 -0.284 0.901
The following code with the foreach package did not work
output_position <- grep("ES",ls())
all_effects <- foreach(i=output_position,.combine="rbind") %do% {
output <- get(ls()[i])
rownames(all_effects) <- ls()[output_position]
Many thanks in advance
You can combine them into a data frame. Starting with your output_position
summList <- lapply(output_position, \(x) data.frame(get(x)))
all_ES <- cbind(ES = output_position, do.call(rbind, summList))
(I didn't need the foreach package)
You can do a similar thing to combine them into an emmGrid
object by omitting the data.frame()
call; however, that requires all of the results to have been obtained from the same model, which I doubt is the case.
thanks @rvlenth
What is "x" in summList?
#the models:
m001 <- lm(Observations ~ Group ,data=r_001)
m002 <- lm(Observations ~ Group ,data=r_002)
m200 <- lm(Observations ~ Group ,data=r_200)
#Compute the effect size
E_r001 <- emmeans(m001, "Group")
E_r002 <- emmeans(m002, "Group")
E_r200 <- emmeans(m200, "Group")
ES_r001<- eff_size(E_r001, sigma = sigma(m001), edf = Inf)
ES_r002<- eff_size(E_r002, sigma = sigma(m002), edf = Inf)
ES_r200<- eff_size(E_r200, sigma = sigma(m200), edf = Inf)
#list the effect size of the contrast ctr - pre from all the emmGrid objects (i.e., ES_rxxx)
output_position <- grep("ES",ls())
summList <- lapply(output_position, \(x) data.frame(get(x)))
Error in get(x) : invalid first argument
I misread your code. Instead of using grep
, use ls
ESs <- ls(pat = "ES") # names instead of numbers
summList <- lapply(ES, \(x) data.frame(get(x)))
all_ES <- cbind(ES = ESs, do.call(rbind, summList))
Dear Professor @rvlenth,
Your suggestion works very well. Thank you very much and I wish you happy holidays.
Thanks, and happy holidays to you as well.