- 13
- 4
Wrong weights with nuisance factors
#510 opened by vaever - 4
Adding the following function for pooling ready emmeans objects to the emmeans package
#502 opened by Generalized - 10
Transformations for covariates
#506 opened by wdkrnls - 5
invert OR option
#507 opened by consultfiv - 2
Inconsistent results with missing levels since #500
#508 opened by banfai - 5
Inconsistency when `emmeans()` is used along with `fct_na_value_to_level()`
#500 opened by anna-doizy - 5
- 6
- 1
Bug with nuisance factors in multivariate models
#503 opened by rvlenth - 3
GEE for numerical data + qdrg() + multiple imputation: how to tell qdrg() to handle ordered factors?
#501 opened by Generalized - 13
How to qdrg() + multgee + multiple imputation: Error in X[ii, ii, drop = FALSE] %*% y[ii] : non-conformable arguments
#498 opened by Generalized - 5
- 3
- 3
Building from github fails on Windows
#497 opened by Generalized - 2
Passing a model to emmeans() made from passing a formula to that model generates an error, whereas a model with the formula hand-coded does not.
#495 opened by ProfessorPeregrine - 6
- 10
What is the calculation of df (degrees of freedom), in the results of `emmeans` for `mira` class of `mice` package
#494 opened by kaigu1990 - 15
Feature request
#485 opened by jpiaskowski - 3
- 5
Bump minimum needed R version to 4.3
#489 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 1
Lost trend (ordered factor) when using qdrg in the multiple imputation context.
#487 opened by Generalized - 1
emmeans seems to be losing the information about trend in multiple imputation setting
#486 opened by Generalized - 5
- 4
How to tell emmeans to take different "sign convention" for estimated model coefficients of ordinal models?
#482 opened by Generalized - 4
Ordinal logistic regression [GEE]: ordLORgee; mode="prob" - all estimates have same value, joint_tests() fails. What does it mean?
#481 opened by Generalized - 19 collapses groups and recalculates values
#480 opened by gevro - 7
How to display p-values adjusted across multiple groups of comparisons with pwpp()?
#472 opened by qdread - 8
- 1
Passing `exclude` argument of emmc functions in `emmeans` clashes with .update.options
#478 opened by banfai - 2
standardization of slopes
#476 opened by samyogita-hardikar - 9
Comparing each group slope to the slope of all other observations w/ del.eff
#471 opened by walrossker - 3
how to compute contrasts between groups?
#470 opened by saotts - 5
- 4
Combining 'make.tran' transformations?
#462 opened by a-hurst - 3
Emmeans package fails to load
#468 opened by munizdiezclara - 1
adjustment method for contrast(combine = TRUE)
#467 opened by gevro - 2
Adjusting p value across models
#466 opened by gevro - 10
Using lsmeans() with gls() object closes R gui when using mode = "satterthwaite"
#465 opened by jdbible - 3
Partial argument patch of `just` to `justify`
#463 opened by pawelru - 6
emmeans over geepack::geeglm accepts "vcov" but glmtoolbox::glmgee does not
#460 opened by Generalized - 6
Would it be possible to allow the "df" parameter to accept a vector of values rather than just a single scalar?
#461 opened by Generalized - 32
better support for quantile regression?
#458 opened by yuryzablotski - 7
- 4
Considerations on adding a more complete support for GEE thrugh the glmtoolbox::glmgee()
#454 opened by Generalized - 9
- 5
- 2
Error with model-averaged binomial GLMM (with glmmTMB): subscript out of bounds
#455 opened by MarcRieraDominguez - 5
- 2
Pairwise comparisons for a continuous x continuous interaction produce identical t- and p-values
#452 opened by Tsode