
CertSpotter from SSLMate in docker

Primary LanguageShell


CertSpotter from SSLMate in docker

Automated build from GitHub repository using GoLang:1.10

Default paths

  • /root/.muttrc, for mailing options
  • /certspotter, base directory for certspotter
  • /run.sh , main running script

Environments variables

  • SET_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL , email where notification is sent, default: root@localhost
  • SET_SMTP_SERVER_URL , .muttrc compatible SMTP url, default:
  • SET_SMTP_PASS , Password for authentification
  • SET_EMAIL_FROM, email of notification is sent from, default: certspotter@localhost
  • SET_EMAIL_SUBJ , subject of notification email, default: CertSpotter Report
  • SET_SLEEP_TIME , sleep time in sleep compatible format, default: 1h
  • SET_WATCHLIST_CONTENT , content of watchlist file, each domain is separated by semicolon ';'
  • SET_CERTSPOT_ARGS , custom additional args for certspotter command
  • SET_MUTTRC_FILE, custom muttrc file, useful when using ConfigMap in Kubernetes, default: /root/.muttrc
  • SET_MODE , running mode can be daemon or onetime. Onetime is usefull for Kubernetes CronJobs, run tests and end. default: daemon

Default muttrc file is overwritten each time when run.sh is executed. So if you want use ConfigMap in Kubernetes and specify your own file use SET_MUTTRC_FILE to set different file for mutt to use.

For watchlist situation is different, If you don't specify SET_WATCHLIST_CONTENT nohing is generated, so you can use /certspotter/watchlist even in ConfigMap usecase.

SMTP_URL Examples

  • smtp://, send mail using SMTP Relay server for our network
  • smtps://username@smtp.gmail.com:465, send mail using Gmail

When using AUTH don't forget to also set correct



Look into examples folder for some Kubernetes deployment example