
Raspi camera for PrusaConnect

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Use the raspberry pi zero 2 W (or any raspberry) together with a raspi camera for PrusaConnect

Install raspberry pi to raspberry pi zero 2 w

  • Install rpi_imager
  • "Choose device" -> Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W for your Pi
  • "Choose os" -> Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 32-bit)
  • "Choose storage" -> select your sd-card -> Next
  • Set a check at "Set hostname" -> "raspicam"
  • Set a check at "Enable SSH" -> "Use password authentication"
  • Set a check at "Set username and password" -> "Username": "pi", "Password" : [your password here]
  • Set a check at "Configure wireless LAN" -> Your wifi settings here, make sure to select right country
  • "Save"
  • "Choose storage" : Select your sd card, then write
  • Insert the written sdcard to your rpi zero w2

Get your token and fingerprint from Prusa

  • You need a PC with webcam for this step
  • Make sure Prusa Connect is enabled and registered on your Prusa Printer
  • Go to "connect.prusa3d.com", "Camera", "Add new web camera"
  • Note down the token next to the qr code
  • Click on the qr code
  • Allow camera connection in browser
  • On firefox, press ctrl-shift-i to get the developer menu, click on "Network". Now press "START CAMERA"
  • You should see a request with status "204", click on it. On the "Request Headers" Tab, you should see at the very end the "fingerprint" value, note this down as well
  • Make sure to stop the camera


  • ssh to your raspberry pi: "ssh pi@raspicam", enter your password if asked
  • "sudo raspi-config"
  • In raspi-config, enable legacy camera support via "Interface -> legacy camera -> yes -> ok -> Finish"
  • Reboot via "sudo reboot" and then reconnect via ssh "ssh pi@raspicam"
  • "sudo apt update"
  • "sudo apt dist-upgrade"
  • "sudo apt install python git -y"
  • "git clone https://github.com/bkerler/raspicam_prusa"
  • "cd raspicam_prusa"
  • Edit the raspicam_prusa.py and replace the token and fingerprint values with the ones you were writing down : "nano raspicam_prusa.py"
  • Save and quit via ctrl-o, enter, ctrl-x
  • "sudo cp raspicam.service /etc/systemd/system/raspicam.service"
  • "sudo systemctl daemon-reload"
  • "sudo systemctl enable raspicam"
  • "sudo systemctl start raspicam"
  • "sudo systemctl status raspicam"
  • If you see no error, all is good and you should start to see pictures after a few seconds (every 5 seconds) on prusa connect