Cancel "on hold" orders after a certain number of days or by hours
- 0
- 1
Add minutes mode
#16 opened by KHAIRULIMRAN97 - 1
Stock not increased when order is canceled
#15 opened by dendyaziz - 1
How to troubleshoot...
#14 opened by melrazdig - 3
Prevent order cancellation for the past
#13 opened by dademaru - 0
Use action scheduler API instead of wp-cron
#11 opened by procontentxyz - 1
Can this plugin send email cancel too ?
#12 opened by killthegame - 3
canceled orders mailed to multiple clients
#10 opened by immunity20 - 2
Allow for custom status to be cancelled
#9 opened by jordantrizz - 1
How to use This Plugin ?
#6 opened by s-espriz - 7
- 1
Choose the status of the order to cancel
#4 opened by rvola - 2
- 1
Select the day of work
#2 opened by rvola - 10
To cancel orders in hours
#1 opened by svaldesm