
JWT Authentication & Authorization in NodeJs/Express & MongoDB REST APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JWT Authentication & Authorization in NodeJs/Express & MongoDB REST APIs


This application is a REST API that will enable to create a user, log in the registered user, log out a user from a single device, and log out a user from multiple devices. Using Node.js/Express and MongoDB with MongoDB Atlas, a cloud database service that hosts MongoDB databases to store our data.

How JWT it works?

JWT stands for JSON Web Token and is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.

JWTs can be signed using a secret (with the HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using RSA or ECDSA. jwt.io/introduction/

Start the server

In order to start the application and run the server which handles the authentication and authorization process you have to clone the repo into a directory and install the application's dependencies using npm or yarn

npm install

After the installation is complete run the server using the following command:

npm start

If everything goes as expected you will see a message in the terminal that the server is running at port 8000. You can change the server running in src/config.js file.

alt text


There are five available routes:

  • POST /users/create
  • POST /users/login
  • GET /users/profile
  • POST /users/logout
  • POST /users/logoutall

Create a user

Creates a new user

  • URL


  • Method:


  • Data Params

    username [Required]

    password [Required]

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 OK
        "user": {
          "_id": "5e249c499899e94e6dfde811",
          "name": "Goo",
          "email": "woodoo@goohoo.com",
          "tokens": [
              "_id": "5e263647a4a67c5c7ff0694b",
              "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9..."
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
  • Sample Call:

      curl -i -X POST -d "{\"name\": \"Alan\", \"email\": \"woodoo@goohoo.com\", \"password\": \"ohshit\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8000/users/login

Authenticate user

work in progress..

Logout user from a device

work in progress..

Logout user from all devices

work in progress..