Colorful is a simple yet elegant CSS color class library inspired by the Pantone Color Palette. It was designed by Eric J Ziegler and works with virtually any framework/project given it's prefixed classes ("colorful-"). Colorful is intended for both designers and non-designers. Designers will apreciate the approach to integrating color palletes throughout a project without having to rewrite them from scratch in CSS. Developers will enjoy a standardized and easy-to-remember syntax that reduces ambiguety and provides a structure for all members of a project team to easily adapt into their workflow. Finally, hobby-coders and anyone looking to colorize their digital web projects will like how there really isn't much work involved in using colorful; no expansive documentation, no advanced syntax to memorize, no pre-required CSS knowledge, and only minimal knowledge of how to add a class to an HTML element like this. Although very narrow in scope, Colorful fills a vital area of web design, colors!
All of the CSS is compiled down to a lightweight file. Just drop the file into your project and link to it. That's it!
All of the SASS partials are prefixed with "_" and are imported into "colorful.scss". Once you've cloned the repo, start poking those files. Don't forget to check out the example.html (or example.php) file to learn about how to quickly change around the SASS.
Check out the example page here:
Check out the index.php which allows you to build your own tests and mess with the code without writing from scratch in HTML.
The default color palette used was heavily inspired by Google's Material Design palette.