
Super simpel MQTT enabled doorbeet with WifiManager

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status License: MIT


It´s code for a remote doorbell. Nothing fancy.. It just allows me to send a push notification to Telegram and Home app.

If you wish to use this code, feel free to do so. It was designed around a Wemos D1:


  • Allows to ring your current buzzer using a relay
  • Allows to turn off/on your buzzer while we keep sending messages to telegram/homeapp
  • Allows you to send a request over MQTT
  • Uses a filter to prevent false positives

Hardware configuration

BUTTON_PIN = 12;        // D6 - Pin of the button
RINGER_PIN = 14;        // D5 - Pin of the relay for your ringer
LED_PIN = 2;            // Standard pin of the wemos led
INVERT_OUTPUT = false;  // Invertrs the input, if you need that...
INVERT_INPUT = true;    // Inverts the output, if you need that...

Software configuration

After the Wemos is flashed if will create a Accesspoint called DOORBELL Access it with your computer and configure your WIFI and MQTT server, then reboot and I prefere even that you will remove power and add it again (ESP oddities).


There are just a few topics the DOORBELL listens on and send messages to.

Topic: DOORBELL/config

Send en=1 to enable the buzzer. Send en=0 to disable the buzzer.

Topic: DOORBELL/status

Receive en=1 when the buzzer is enabled. Receive en=0 when the buzzer is enabled. Receive ri=1 when the button is pressed. Receive ri=0 when the button is not presses.

Note: When en=0 the buzzer will not be enabled, but we do send the ri=1 message.

Compilation Upload

platformio run --target upload


  • Use a velleman relays on pin D5
  • I use a simple push button wuth pull-up of 1KOhm and two diodes for over voltage prevention on D6

Homebridge configuration

You need to use MQTT thing. If you want to use the motionSensor, don´t forget the enable notifications so you can get an actual alert.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "motionSensor",
    "name": "Front Doorbell",
    "caption": "Front doorbell",
    "url": "http://localhost:1883",
    "username": "<USERNAME>",
    "password": "<PASSWORD>",
    "topics": {
        "getMotionDetected": {
            "topic": "DOORBELL/status",
            "apply": "return message.includes('ri=1')"
        "getStatusActive": {
            "topic": "DOORBELL/status",
            "apply": "return true"
    "turnOffAfterms": "6000"
    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "outlet",
    "name": "Doorbell Buzzer",
    "url": "http://localhost:1883",
    "username": "<USERNAME>",
    "password": "<PASSWORD>",
    "mqttPubOptions": {
        "retain": true
    "caption": "Doorbell Buzzer",
    "topics": {
        "getOnline": {
            "topic": "DOORBELL/lastwill",
            "apply": "return message.includes('online')"
        "getOn": {
            "topic": "DOORBELL/status",
            "apply": "return message.includes('en=1')"
        "setOn": {
            "topic": "DOORBELL/config",
            "apply": "return message?'en=1':'en=0'"