
Issue w/ setSamplingInterval in J5, galileo-io, node-red and node-red-contrib-gpio setup

Jbossalini opened this issue · 3 comments

re: #19 Implement setSamplingInterval

I'm reading a TMP36 temp sensor connected to A0 of an Edison plugged into an Arduino breakout board, using Node-red and the node-red-contrib-gpio input node. I can read the sensor, but the setSamplingInterval value is not being honored, and the debug output shows that the sensor is being read 100s of times a second. When I start up Node-red, I see this error in the log:

[TypeError: Object #<Galileo> has no method 'setSamplingInterval']

Is setSamplingInterval implemented in galilieo-io yet, or is the error coming from somewhere else? I'm using v 0.8.8 of galileo-io.

Thanks! -Joe

Thanks for the report. This should be all set now

Also, just wanted to make sure that you're using the Temperature class for the TMP36:

@rwaldron Thanks! Error in Node-red is gone, and I can run the J5 sample script (with interval). Thanks for the quick turnaround!

I've now got another issue in Node-red where I'm not getting any readings at all, so I've temporarily reverted to a previous galileo-io version and hard coded the interval. I've got a deadline today for a project I'm using it with, so I'll dig back into it some more at the end of the week. Might be caused by node-red-contrib-gpio but I won't know until I can debug further.