
Using PWM and AC DImmer RobotDyn

ScreamZ opened this issue · 0 comments


I've just purchased an AC DIMMER from RobotDync, I want to make a fade loop in order to get some glitchy effect.

Here is my test code using PWM

import { Board, Led } from "johnny-five";

const board = new Board({ repl: false });

board.on("ready", () => {
  const led = new Led(3);

here is what it does (which I don't really get why!


The blue LED on the dimmer is well dimming according to my pattern, but the red light is just ON until the PWM send 0 (then it stops). I'm unable to make it fade...

Do you have any idea why this can happen?

Also I'm noticing that the voltage is varying, but also the frequency (Hz)


Might be related to the fact I'm not using Zero Cross pin ?