
Cannot Input Mode Pin 12, 14, 15. ESP8266

YovanggaAnandhika opened this issue · 4 comments

Device Type : Lolin V3 (ESP8266 Wifi);
Shorted GND and Pin 12, 14, 15 Not Working. But Output Mode Work;

Whats Wrong ?

let board = new Board({ debug : false, repl : false, port : "COM5"});

board.on("ready", async () => {

     const Up = new Relay({ pin : 4 });
     const Button1 = new Button({ pin : 2 }); // Pin D4
     const Button2 = new Button({ pin : 13 }); // pin D5

     await Ticket.on("down", async () => {
          //await Up.close();

      await Button1.on("up", async () => {
              await setTimeout(async () => {
                  await Up.close();
              }, 500)
       }); // its Work

      await Button2.on("up", async () => {
              await setTimeout(async () => {
                  await Up.close();
              }, 500)
       }); // Not Work


hi I don't know the answer to your question but I want to know doest relay works fine? did you use the firmataWifi from arduino ide example?

the relay functions properly when using the out mode.
but, for the input mode can not respond to the input signal @moeinrahimi . i mean if port 13 not work for button push button.

hardware : NodeMCU Lolin v3
C++ Ino : FirmataPlus

so you are using firmataplus not firmatawifi?

so you are using firmataplus not firmatawifi?

Yes, i am using control via usb communication.