This repository contains a simple set of scripts for validating the mappings of persistent IRIs allocated by the Australian Government Linked Data Working Group (AGLDWG).
The script - a Python script - operates by sending Internet requests for each AGLDWG managed persistent IRI and comparing the responses with the static comparison data stored in this repository.
Typical use is like this:
Here the validator is run with two input files - for vocabs & ontologies.
Redirection tests use JSON files for to/from IRI in this format:
"": [
"label": "Geofabric - distributed as Linked Data, HTML",
"from_iri": "",
"from_headers": null,
"to_iri": "",
"to_headers": null
"label": "Geofabric - distributed as Linked Data, Accept Turtle",
"from_iri": "",
"from_headers": {
"Accept": "text/turtle"
"to_iri": "",
"to_headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/turtle"
Each allocated IRI - in the above case
- can have any number of individual tests. Here there is a test for HTML & RDF (Turtle) redirects.
See the JSON files in this directory for all tests implemented so far.
This repository is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 International. See the LICENSE deed in this repository for details.
System Owner: Australian Government Linked Data Working Group
System Owner contact:
Nicholas Car
Co-chair, AGLDWG
Research School of Computer Science
Australian National University