** Update December 2022, zenodo link to be repaired: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7026463 **#


(Header information included for all catalogs and datasets)


  • GTUNE_Catalog.txt > Catalog of all the Underground Nuclear explosions used in the GTUNE labeled waveform prepared dataset, and input for IRIS_query script

  • Combined_SIPRI_DOE.txt > SIPRI catalog of declassified nuclear blasts with the DOE source time and location information for the tests the United States is responsible for

  • SIPRI_Catalog.txt > Digital SIPRI catalog of declassified nuclear blasts

  • DOE_Catalog.txt > DOE catalog of US nuclear test blasts

  • EQ_Catalog.txt > Catalog of Earthquakes used for the Earthquake training labels and input for the IRIS_query.py scripts


___________ filename + .pkl/.h5 _____________

  • GTUNE_unes > One minute, 10-second P-wave arrival fixed, labeled raw seismograms of underground nuclear blasts and corresponding meta data.

  • EQs > One minute, 10-second P-wave arrival fixed, labeled raw seismograms of earthquakes and corresponding meta data.

  • Noise > One-minute noise labeled seismograms and meta data.

  • FSU > Un-cut Former Soviet Union dataset of underground nuclear blast waveforms and corresponding meta-data.

  • LASA > Un-cut Large Aperature Seismic Array of underground nuclear blast waveforms and corresponding meta-data.

  • LLNL > Un-cut Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory dataset of underground nuclear blast waveforms and corresponding meta-data.

All dataframes have the following column structures:

origin_time | trace_start_time | p_arrival | sampling_rate | station_dist | stla | stlo | station | evid | net | chn | waveform (epoch time (s)| epoch (s) | (seconds) | (hz) | (degrees) | latitude | longitude | name | event id | network | channel | times series array


____________ Python 3.8 scripts ____________

  • Hinet_query.py > Script to query NIED Hi-Net array network of data. *Note: you must first aquire a permission and username to access NIED data: https://hinetwww11.bosai.go.jp/nied/registration/?LANG=en

  • IRIS_query.py > Script using ObsPy massdownloader for downloading all available fdsn web servers waveforms for nuclear blasts and earthquakes

  • Noise_EQ_filter.py > Script to filter out time periods without regional and global earthquakes occuring within a 30 minute time period.