Android Nanodegree

A place to store all my completed lessons for reference online.

Developed throughout 2022, Udacity Kotlin Nanodegree coursework. Potentially outdated fundamentals here and there due to outdated coursework at the time of learning.

Beginner Part 1

Guess it

  • Observing Data
  • Fragment actions / changing views

Dessert Pusher

  • Lifecycle awareness
  • Saved Instance State

About Me

  • Simplistic Data Binding (Not Live Data)
  • Example of binding.apply {}

Beginner Part 2

Track My Sleep - Recycler View w/o Header

Track My Sleep (ListView)

  • Room database
  • DAO
  • Coroutines

Advanced Part 1

Egg Timer Notifications FCM

  • Using notifications, with FCM

Egg Timer Notifications

  • Using notifications locally

Custom Fan Controller

  • Creating a custom view with functionality

Mini Paint

  • Shows how to draw on a canvas with a mini painting app with touch


  • Shows how to utilize clipping appropriately on a canvas

Property Animation

  • Good demonstration of animating objects in an application

Advanced Part 2


  • Demonstrates customizing Google Maps background / layout
  • Location Permission handling


  • Location Permission handling
  • Using a broadcast receiever
  • Location reminder examples usecases


  • Using Firebase to login to Android apps
  • Utilizing their Name / Info to customize the app experience

To-do Notes

  • Mainly demonstrating testing frameworks
  • Unit tests, espresso tests, integration tests, mockito tests

Capstone Submissions

Shoe Store

  • Basic Android fundamentals
  • Navigation Graph references

Asteroid Radar

  • Coroutine examples
  • View Models
  • Network API calls

Load App

  • More advanced baseline fundamentals
  • Downloading data
  • Motion Layout example

Location Reminder

  • Location permission handling (Different types of location requests)
  • Geofencing reminders
  • Google Maps sample

Final Project - Political Preparadeness

  • End to end Android app development
  • Google Civic API calls
  • Viewmodels
  • Navgraph demonstration
  • Basic Motion Layout example
  • Alternative landscape layouts