
Shake your objects and classes with Cocktail!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cocktail JS

Build Status NPM version

Cocktail is a small but yet powerful library with very simple principles:

  • Reuse code
  • Keep it simple

##Reuse code Cocktail explores three mechanisms to share/reuse/mix code:

  • Extends: Classical OOP inheritance implemented in Javascript.
  • Traits: Traits are composable behavior units that can be added to a Class.
  • Talents: Same idea as Traits but applied to instances of a Class.

##Keep it simple Cocktail has only one public method Cocktail.mix() but it relies on annotations to tag some meta-data that describe the mix.

###Annotations Annotations are simple meta-data Cocktail uses to perform some tasks over the given mix. They become part of the process but usually they are not kept in the result of a mix.

var Cocktail = require('Cocktail'),
	MyClass  = function(){};
Cocktail.mix(MyClass, {
	'@properties': {
		name: 'default name'

In the example above we created a "Class" named MyClass, and we use the @properties annotation to create the property name and the corresponding setName and getName methods.

As it was mentioned before, annotations are meta-data, which means that they are not part of MyClass or its prototype.

###Combine Annotations and single parameter to export your class definition Since version 0.2.0 you can define a class or trait without passing the constructor as the first parameter, and you can export the result of the mix with one annotation so you don't forget module.exports = MyClass:


var Cocktail = require('Cocktail'),
    MySuperClass = require('./MySuperClass');

    '@extends': MySuperClass,
    '@exports': module,
    '@properties' : {
        name: 'a default name'

###Even easier Single Parameter Class Definition
Version 0.3 introduces a pseudo-annotation @as to help Single Parameter Class Definition. Now you can define a Class using @as passing a value of class:


var Cocktail = require('Cocktail')

    '@exports' : module,
    '@as'      : 'class',

    '@properties' : {
        name: 'a default name'

Getting Started

  • Install the module with: npm install cocktail or add cocktail to your package.json and then npm install
  • Start playing by just adding a var Cocktail = require('Cocktail') in your file.


Guides can be found at CocktailJS Guides


The latest documentation is published at CocktailJS Documentation


A Cocktail playground can be found in cocktail recipes repo.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Running Tests

Add your unit and/or integration tests and execute

$ grunt test

Before Commiting

Run grunt to check lint and execute tests

$ grunt

Check test code coverage with instanbul

Install instanbul from npm globally if you don't have it already installed

$ npm install -g istanbul 


$ istanbul cover _mocha -- -u exports --recursive test

Release History

  • 0.3.0 (current master)

    • status: Alpha
    • Introduced pseudo-annotation @as intended for single parameter class definition
    • Tests for pseudo-annotation @as
  • 0.2.0

    • status: Alpha
    • Added single parameter class/trait definition. If the first parameter is an object literal and it contains a constructor definition, or the annotation '@extends', '@traits', '@requires' or '@annotation' it will be treated as a class definition.
    • Tests for single parameter definition.
  • 0.1.1

    • status: Alpha
    • Added @exports annotation.
    • Documentation update.
    • Tests for @exports annotation.
  • 0.1.0

    • status: Alpha
    • Added sequence to define custom annotations priorities.
    • Documentation update.
    • Tests for Sequence.
  • 0.0.4

    • status: Alpha
    • Added new merge strategies: mine (default -same as single), their, deep-mine and deep-their.
    • Test for Merge strategies.
  • 0.0.3

    • status: Alpha.
    • Annotation, traits, talents, extends, and properties features are stable and tested.
    • Adde custom Annotations definitions mechanism thru @annotation.
    • Added merge strategy: single.
  • 0.0.2

    • status: Alpha.
    • Alpha version for traits, talents, extends, and properties features.
    • Tests.
  • 0.0.1

    • status: Alpha.
    • First draft version


Copyright (c) 2013 Maximiliano Fierro
Licensed under the MIT license.