
HomeMatic Smart Home Central Control Unit all devices and current values viewer.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CCU Device Viewer

Open Source Project viewing all devices and current values from the HomeMatic Smart Home Central Control Unit.

View Option: All datapoints for the device selected


View Option: Filter by XML Attribute ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE



  • To view the state of devices and their datapoints as configured in the CCU.
  • To get device datapoint(s) ID (XML attribute ise_id = "NNN") used for XML-API HTTP requests via for example Domoticz Homeautomation.
  • To quickly view the status of a device.
  • To filter a selected attribute for all devices, i.e. check low battery state (XML attribute type = "LOW_BAT").
  • To view system variables name, value and ID.
  • To export or copy device or datapoint data.
  • To save XML-API HTTP response to a text file with XML tree.
  • To have fun developing with B4J.


  • HomeMatic Smart Home Central Control Unit.
  • HomeMatic is a registered trademark of eQ-3 AG.
  • HomeMatic XML-API CCU addon to read values from the CCU.
  • Java 8 OR Java 11 to run the application ccudeviceviewer.jar. Mustread - Note: JavaFX is used.


  • created as an Open Source project for personal use only, according the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE; Usage at your own risk.
  • tested with an HomeMatic CCU3 3.55 10 and the XML-API CCU Addon 1.20.
  • developed with B4J v8.90 more info about the B4X Products.
  • published on the B4J Forum.

Installation Windows

Unpack the archive to a folder of choice. Run

<path-to-java>\java -jar ccudeviceviewer.jar

or run using start - example with JDK8 path set:

start "" c:\prog\jdk8\bin\javaw.exe -jar ccudeviceviewer.jar

The file ccudeviceviewer.json maintains the settings.


The device data from the CCU is obtained via HTTP XML-API request (running a script), i.e. http://ccu3-webui/addon/devicelist.cgi. The HTTP XML-API requests response is an XML tree which is parsed to a map. The map contains lists and maps for the devices and datapoints. The devices are selected and their XML attributes name, ise_id, device_type are used to populate a custom listview Devices. A custom listview Device entry is a panel with fields for the selected XML attributes.

The next step is to get the full statelist for all devices and datapoints, i.e. http://ccu3-webui/addon/statelist.cgi. This is required to get the datapoints and their selected XML attributes for a device selected in the customlistview Devices. Depending the number of devices defined in the CCU, this can be a rather big list. Selecting a device from the Devices list, selects the datapoints from the statelist. The datapoints are populated to a B4XTable with 1 to N pages. The table has columns for the XML attributes: type, value, ise_id and channel. The column headings are Type,Value,ID,Channel.

The B4XTable is also used to populate filtered data from all devices. The table has columns for the XML attributes: device type, device ise_id, datapoint value, datapoint ise_id. The column headings are Device_Type, Device_Value, Datapoint_Value, Datapoint_ID.

For the systemvariables the concept is the same, i.e. get data using XML-API HTTP request http://ccu3-webui/addon/sysvarlist.cgi. The returned XML tree is parsed and data, name, value, ise_id is added to the B4XTable columns Name, Value, ID

Source Code

The archive ccudeviceviewer.zip contains the B4J source code. Additional libraries required: B4XCollections, B4XTable, jOkHttpUtils2, Json, Xml2Map, XUI Views.


  • Change the value of a selected datapoint via B4X dialog ("quickset function").
  • Multiple XML attribute filters (instead one).
  • Run HomeMatic scripts remote and capture the output (to be explored).
  • Simplify the CCUClass.
