
PFDMaker is a suite of B4J applications to create, view or operate Process Flow Diagrams (PFD).

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


PFDMaker is a suite of B4J applications to create, view or operate Process Flow Diagrams (PFD).

Developed as a personal challenge (and for personal use) to create all kind of PFDs. The main focus has been on Chemical Engineering Diagrams, but evolving for Flowcharts and more like Electrical shapes.

There are 4 applications:

  • PFDCreator - create PFDs using objects drag & dropped on a canvas (completed v1).
  • PFDViewer - view PFDs created by the PFDCreator (development in progress).
  • PFDOperator - operate or control PFDs created by the PFDCreator (development in progress).
  • PFDShapeMaker - create object shapes used by the PFDCreator (development not started).


🚧 The PFDMaker developments are in progress, but decided to share the source code of the B4J project PFDCreator.
The source code of this B4J project can found in the archive pfdcreator.zip and it requires the B4J to run. Read next.


An application to create all kind of simple Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) using objects (shapes) which are dragged & dropped on a Drawing Board (Canvas). A PFD contains objects which are shapes with properties. The properties define the object shape position, size, colors, text & format, but also its value, unit, operate flag and more. There are a number of predefined shapes, the basic shapes but also dedicated shape types to create flowcharts, process instrumentation & piping diagrams or electrical circuits.

Several Screenshots

Main Page


Shape Types with Shapes


Resize Object and Show Index


B4XDialog Examples


PFD Shape Types

The PFDCreator has initially following shape types:

  • Basic - Common shapes which can be used by all PFD types.
  • Flowchart - Shapes, like terminator, process, decision used to create flowcharts.
  • PID - Shapes for Process Instrumentation & Piping (PID) diagrams.
  • Electrical - Shapes to create electrical circuit diagrams.


  • The PFDCreator application is provided as a B4J project with source code which requires B4J to run (Windows).
  • The PFDCreator has been evolved from the idea to create simple PIDs. The application has become rather complex and has room for improvements.
  • The included predefined shapes, created as methods use different ways to draw on the canvas. This is because evolving how to draw shapes. Considering using B4XPath as method only.
  • To enhance the PFDCreator with more shape types and shapes, lookup the development notes (DEVNOTES.md).
  • This B4J project is provided AS-IS and be aware that developments are ongoing which might lead to concept or code changes.

Source Code

The source code of the B4J Project PFDCreator is included. Created with B4J v10.0 (64 bit), Java JDK 19.0.2. Internal libraries: jCore, jFX, B4XPages, XUI Views, Json, DesignerUtils, ByteConverter, BCTextEngine. Additional libraries: AsyncCanvas, jReflection.

Installation Unzip pfdcreator.zip to a folder of choice. Copy the files from the AdditionalLibraries folder to the B4J Additional libraries folder. Load PFDCreator.b4j in the B4J IDE.


  • DEVNOTES.MD - Comprehensive information about the PFDCreator concept, development and how to enhance.
  • TODO.md - Actions for the next version.
  • IDEAS.md - Ideas to be considered for implemention.
  • CHANGELOG.md - Log of version changes.
  • PFDCreator.hlp - User guide.


A video demonstrates how to create a very simple flowchart using the PFDCreator.

PFDViewer (development in progress)

View PFDs created by the PFDCreator.

PFDOperator (development in progress)

Operate or control PFDs created by the PFDCreator.

PFDShapeMaker (development not started

Create object shapes used by the PFDCreator.


GNU General Public License v3.0 - Developed for personal use only. See file LICENSE.


To Anywhere Software and the B4X Community for sharing libraries, hints&tips.