
Scaffolds out methods and tests for collaborative data cleaning.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Test Driven Data Cleaning

Scaffold out methods and tests for collaborative data cleaning.


This has been manually tested on OSX with Python 3.5. Travis CI is set up on Linux with Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5. It may work on Windows (but probably not).

Once you clone the repo, to try it out on a very small included dataset, you can run:

$ python tddc.py summarize input/foobar_data.csv

This takes the csv data set and summarizes it, outputing to a json file in a newly created output/ directory.

Next, you can run:

$ python tddc.py build_trello input/foobar_data.csv

The first time you run this, it will fail and give you instructions on how to create a Trello configuration file in your root directory (in future, this should probably be created through the CLI). Once you create it, you can try to run that step again. This will create a Trello board. The one my run created is here: https://trello.com/b/1mFkX6dA/data-cleaning-board-for-foobar-data

Finally, you can run:

$ python tddc.py build input/foobar_data.csv

This outputs a script into the output/ folder that contains method stubs and glue code to clean the data set. It also outputs stubs for tests in output/tests.

Running tests

You can run the tests with

$ py.test

in the root of the project directory.


  1. allow creation of Trello credentials through CLI
  2. more complete testing
  3. travis
  4. coveralls
  5. allow user to skip Trello step
  6. other integrations besides Trello?
  7. allow other formats besides CSV
  8. better readme (explanation for how this should be used by team leads and team members).
  9. better sample dataset
  10. packaging
  11. export to Jupyter notebook
  12. ...