
Matlab Learning: a Matlab-based machine learning toolbox.

File Map

d  matlearn/       - home directory
d    +matlearn/    - main package
d      +able/      - class end with able
d      +class/     - classifier
d      +core/      - core class
d      +eval/      - evaluation metric and performance evaluator
d      +func/      - funciton
d      +meta/      - meta algorithm
d      +prep/      - preprocessing
d      +util/      - utility class
d  matlearn-data/  - data file
d  matlearn-dep/   - dependent code
d  matlearn-mex/   - compiled mex file
d  matlearn-ref/   - reference code
d  matlearn-test/  - test file
-  add2path.m      - add matlearn directories into matlab path
-  make.m          - make matlearn mex files in batch


  1. Start Matlab and cd into the matlearn home directory.
  2. Run make.m in the matlearn home directory to generate all the dependent mex files in the matlearn-dep directory. Note that you should configure your Matlab mex enviroment on your own.
  3. Download the weka.jar (version 3.5) and put into the matlearn-jar directory.
  4. Run add2path.m in the matlearn home directory to add the package to your Matlab path.


author: rwduzhao
