- 1
Error Compiling for ESP8266 or ESP32 clean() not declared in scope AES CFB example
#85 opened by muhkuhgh - 3
RNG.cpp include of <Arduino.h> makes native builds for unit testing and debugging fail
#84 opened by attermann - 0
- 3
- 18
Crypto doesn't support next generation AVRs
#77 opened by specternecter - 0
Support for SHA-512/256?
#81 opened by FerGT50 - 0
Ascon128::decrypt doesn't seem to allow for inplace decryption, despite documentation saying so
#80 opened by D-VR - 5
- 6
’SHA256‘ was not declared in this scope ESP32S3
#78 opened by KINGJ7 - 1
- 3
- 4
default key?
#74 opened by jblazeg - 1
Including libraries does not work in platformio
#73 opened by Dantali0n - 1
Asymmetric encryption
#72 opened by hoseinaghajari - 5
Encrypt String longer than blockSize()
#64 opened by Kasperdelasopa - 1
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Compilling for ESP32
#34 opened by Macrosii - 4
- 1
Need help with ChaCha and Strings
#69 opened by daricht - 2
Support for XChaCha20 Poly1305
#67 opened by sergioxdev - 3
Asymmetric encryption/decryption?
#65 opened by sam-k - 3
Use of htobe64 and other non-standard functions
#63 opened by Anton-V-K - 0
User-defined NoiseSources - how?
#61 opened by justablob - 1
memcpy_P conflict with Arduino libraries
#60 opened by n9wxu - 2
- 2
Hashing Problem
#59 opened by RicardoPires19 - 2
- 1
RNG Compilation on STM32L073RZ
#56 opened by n9wxu - 7
Tips for saving RAM?
#55 opened by RicardoPires19 - 3
Wastes global RAM
#54 opened by zhekaus - 2
Memory reset in ESP8266 on signing with ED25519
#53 opened by sairathb - 0
Support for AES-CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC)
#52 opened by ahpohl - 1
AES with CTR/CBC mode
#51 opened by sairathb - 3
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Combining GCM and CTR mode
#48 opened by poojitha-sai - 2
Decrypted data differ from origin data
#45 opened by zhekaus - 1
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Simple AES256 Example
#43 opened by el-samiyel - 1
Exception (3) with ESP8266 core >2.5.0 in mulA24
#38 opened by gmag11 - 1
tweetnacl and Ed25519
#41 opened by ejschiller - 2
Using Crypto and CryptoLW library with Nodejs
#40 opened by HEMANT8712 - 1
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Test Ed25519 "Crypto" library is not giving timing response for Signature verification
#36 opened by HEMANT8712 - 2
- 2
Using GCM<AES256> in another library
#35 opened by luckwaski - 2
TransistorNoiseSource.h is missing from package
#29 opened by ciband - 5
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Adding Padding using Crypto library
#26 opened by fralomb - 1
Have you considered supporting new NewHope Simple
#25 opened by onlykey