
Utilities for working with relocatable 6502 images in .o65 format

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This repository contains utilities for working with relocatable 6502 binaries in the o65 format.


The elf2o65 utility requires libelf. If the development version of libelf is not installed, then elf2o65 will not be built. On Ubuntu and similar systems, you can usually do this to install it:

sudo apt install libelf-dev

Then configure and build the code as follows:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install



The o65dump program will dump the contents of a .o65 file to standard output:

o65dump hello.o65

It can also be used on multiple files:

o65dump hello.o65 goodbye.o65 ...

If the -d option is supplied, the contents of the text segment will be disassembled for CPU's in the 6502 family:

o65dump -d hello.o65

If the CPU type cannot be disassembled, the contents of the text segment will be dumped in hexadecimal instead.


The o65reloc program can be used to convert a .o65 file into a .bin file that has been relocated to a fixed address:

o65reloc -t 0x2000 hello.o65 hello.bin

By default, it is assumed that the .text, .data, and .bss segments will end up in RAM at consecutive locations starting at the load address. The segments will be aligned as required by the input file's options.

The -d option can be supplied to specify a different load address for the .data segment, and the -b option can be supplied to specify a different load address for the .bss segment.

If the .data segment is relocated to somewhere other than to the end of the .text segment, you should provide a separate output file for the .data segment:

o65reloc -t 0x2000 hello.o65 hello-text.bin hello-data.bin

If the -t option is not provided, then the original address of the .text segment in the input file will be used as the load address.

An error will occur if the load address is zero, or the input file is aligned but the load address is not a multiple of the alignment.

If the file refers to external symbols, they can be provided with an imports file:

cat >imports.txt
k_char_out 0xfded
k_file_open 0xb700
k_file_close 0xb703
k_file_read 0xb706
k_file_write 0xb709
o65reloc -t 0x2000 -i imports.txt hello.o65 hello.bin

Each line of the imports file consists of a symbol name and the address to use for that symbol, separated by one or more whitespace characters. The addresses may be in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal.

If the input file contains multiple chained images, then only the first image will be relocated. The rest of the chained images will be ignored.


The elf2o65 utility converts ELF files that have been generated with llvm-mos into .o65 format. Use it as follows:

elf2o65 hello.elf hello.o65

The ELF file must have been created with a linker script that outputs the sections in a form that elf2o65 can understand. Arbitrary ELF files from llvm-mos will not work without modifications to the linker script.

The "link" directory in this repository contains an example linker script called o65reloc.ld. It may need some modification for specific platforms. The simplest method to convert a program's ELF file into .o65 format is:

mos-sim-clang -Os -To65reloc.ld -Wl,-emit-relocs -o example example.c
elf2o65 example.elf example.o65

If the progam has external references to functions in the operating system, then add the -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all option and elf2o65 will add the externals to the output file:

mos-common-clang -Os -To65reloc.ld -Wl,-emit-relocs \
    -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all -o example example.c
elf2o65 example.elf example.o65

Extensions to the .o65 format

ELF Machine Type

The elf2o65 utility adds an extension header option to the output file with option number 69 (decimal), corresponding to a capital letter 'E' in ASCII. The option's payload consists of the ELF machine type and processor-specific flags.

This option is needed because the CPU bits in the basic .o65 header are insufficient to represent the full set of CPU's that are supported by llvm-mos. The following is an example of an ELF machine option:

08 45 66 19 3B 00 00 00

The first two bytes are the option length (8) and type (0x45 = 69 = 'E'). The next two bytes are the ELF machine type in little-endian byte order (0x1966 = 6502). The final four bytes are the ELF processor-specific flags in little-endian byte order (0x0000003B = 6502 generic, BCD instructions, 65C02 extensions, R65C02 extensions, W65C02 extensions).

See the llvm-mos ELF Specification for a full list of processor-specific flags for the 6502 machine family. The traditional CPU bits in the .o65 header should be set to the closest historical match.

The original .o65 format has some support for non-6502 CPU's such as Z80, 6809, and so on. Files that use those processor families could also make use of the ELF machine option if they like. Refer to the ELF specification for the alternate processor family for the bits that are required.

Imaginary Registers

The llvm-mos compiler framework allocates 32 bytes of zero page memory for "imaginary registers". These are used to help the compiler's register allocator and for function parameter passing.

The .o65 format already has a method for the operating system to allocate a contiguous region of zero page memory to a program. The imaginary registers can be placed in this region. They will be unique to the program.

If multiple programs are loaded by the operating system, they will each get their own copy of the imaginary registers. This is the easiest option for operating systems that have no knowledge of llvm-mos calling conventions.

However, the operating system may want to share the imaginary registers between multiple programs, or the operating system itself may provide system calls using the llvm-mos calling conventions.

When using the --hosted command-line option, the .o65 file will contain an external reference for __IMAG_REGS which the operating system must replace with the base address of the 32 shared imaginary registers in zero page memory.

It is assumed that the 32 imaginary registers are contiguous starting at __IMAG_REGS. This isn't the case on all platforms supported by llvm-mos. But this method is simpler and more compact than requiring the .o65 program loader to handle separate external references for __rc0, __rc1, etc.

On systems with non-contiguous imaginary registers, the program loader can add a special case to the handling of LOW relocations. If the relocation refers to the __IMAG_REGS external reference, then read the byte to be relocated, interpret it as an imaginary register number, and replace the byte with the actual imaginary register address.

Entry Point

Program binaries in .o65 format that use lib6502 export a global symbol called main for the entry point. This entry point is assumed to take a pointer to the command-line argument array in the A/Y register pair and to return a Unix-style exit status code in A.

Note that the main() function in a C program may not actually be at the entry point address. There may be crt0 logic that executes before main(). If such logic exists, the main global symbol in a .o65 file must be the crt0 entry point, not the address of the main() function.

If the program's entry point is not compatible with lib6502's calling conventions, then it should be called something other than main.

The elf2o65 tool will export a symbol called _start if the ELF entry point is not at the start of the text segment, and the program is not compatible with lib6502.


For more information on this code, to report bugs, or to suggest improvements, please contact the author Rhys Weatherley via email.