
Download all of the EM time series data associated with a given site in the IRIS database

Primary LanguageMATLAB


The code in this repository can be used to download all of the electromagnetic time series data associated with a given site in the IRIS EM network database using the IRIS DMC Web Service.

The list of sites may be obtained using getCatalog.m, which reads the output of http://service.iris.edu/irisws/fedcatalog/1/query?net=EM.

The main function in this repository is getData.m, which takes an input of a a IRIS station ID, a channel string and start/stop times. See getData_demo.m for example usage. getData.m is a wrapper to the irisFetch.m function in the directory irisFetch.

Sample output for running this code is at http://mag.gmu.edu/git-data/IRIS-EM-download/.

The directory v0 contains code that does not use the irisFetch MATLAB client and was developed before this client was available (or known of).