- aukondkBlue Drava Productions
- babarlhrLahore
- beansmynameSacramento, CA
- bpstudio
- brianchhunChicago, Illinois
- catarazürich, switzerland
- ced117Alsace
- Cenius
- DartPowerDartPower Team
- denise-amiga
- DerekTurtleRoeUnited States
- dr01d3k4@Roblox
- draccSweden
- erichp
- jhcloos
- keithzg
- koromerzhinRennes
- kwadroke
- lebanni
- LihisFinland
- lion328Thailand
- LoveMHzUSA
- madbad
- Matriks404Poland
- murugan89
- Neustradamus
- NmzikRussia
- okiasI help projects integrate, optimize performance, and embrace the best OSS practices.
- okumura
- oytunistratorOdznames
- TacoDeBoss
- TdR91Belgrade, Serbia
- tsjost
- type102
- usrshareMoscow, Russia
- XoinWestland, the Netherlands