
Scripts used for data analysis and figure preparation in Wesson et al. 2018, MNRAS

Primary LanguagePython

This repository containts data reduction and analysis scripts, which should allow anyone who wants to do so to reproduce the results presented in Wesson et al. 2018 (arXiv: 1807.09272). If you try it and encounter any problems or discrepancies, please let me know.

1: Get the raw data

Get the raw data used in the paper from the ESO archive:

http://archive.eso.org/wdb/wdb/eso/sched_rep_arc/query?progid=093.D-0038(A) http://archive.eso.org/wdb/wdb/eso/sched_rep_arc/query?progid=096.D-0080(A)

2: Reduce the data

3: Extract integrated and spatially resolved spectra

Run the following scripts:

  • extract-integrated/extract.py
  • extraction-spatial/extract_fg1_final_spatial.py
  • extraction-spatial/extract_hf2-2_final_spatial.py
  • extraction-spatial/extract_ngc6326_final_spatial.py
  • extraction-spatial/extract_ngc6337_final_spatial.py

4: Measure and identify the emission lines

Run ALFA on the blue spectra, take the measured H beta flux and run on the red spectra, normalising to that value. Scale as described in the paper. ALFA version 1.0.123 was used for the measurements presented in the paper - (revision g6d7fe4, https://github.com/rwesson/ALFA/tree/6d7fe4b94fcf3fb9686a12269e2e749a3f6565d5).

5: Analyse the line lists

Run NEAT on the combined line lists. Version 2.1.25 was used for the analysis presented in the paper (revision f86bb25, https://github.com/rwesson/NEAT/tree/f86bb251d8909ad41c07a67f712471a63cf1ee24)

6: Figures

  • Figure 1 was generated from our acquisition images, using the script figure1/makefigure.py
  • Figure 2 was made from the extracted 1D spectra generated in step 3, using the script figure2/plot_alfafits.sh.
  • Figure 3: the script looks for a file containing the observed ratios and their uncertainties, prepared manually, and the tabulated line ratios which come with NEAT
  • Figures 4-7 were made from the spatially extracted 1D spectra generated in step 3, using the script figure4/plot.sh
  • Figure 9 was made using a PHP script, not yet uploaded
  • Figure 10 was made using scripts in the folder figure10/; "make && ./distrib && ./plot.prg" will compile the code, generate the synthetic distribution, and plot it together with the actual distribution which is in a file compiled by hand.
  • Figure 11 was generated using the script figure11/plot_adf_period.sh. This script contains hard-coded values for adfs rather than inheriting values from step 5.
  • Figure 12 was generated from lists of adfs and central star classifications from the literature. The script figure12/get.sh creates lists of adfs for various different types of nebula and central star classification; the script figure12/qqplot.R generates QQ plots.