
Peek into Textpattern using XML

Primary LanguagePHP

Peek into Textpattern using XML

wet_peex peeks for Textpattern objects as XML resources.


wet_peex is a backend plugin without any user interface. It handles HTTP GET requests and replies with an XML response.

To query wet_peex, send a request to the resource located at http://yoursite.tld/textpattern?wet_peex.

wet_peex understands these query parameters:

  • object_type: article, section, category, link, image, file. Use one of these as a value for the wet_peex GET parameter, e.g. http://yoursite.tld/textpattern?wet_peex=article
  • sort: Sort criterion
  • dir: Sort direction. Use either asc for ascending sort order, or desc for descending sort order
  • search: Textual search criterion
  • offset: First object’s ordinal in reply
  • limit: Maximum objects returned

A sample request:


The XML reply message is rather self explanatory. View source for details. article is the only currently implemented object type.

Licence and Disclaimer

This plug-in is released under the Gnu General Public Licence.