Taps is a test tool for the .NET framework. It is inspired on Perl's testing facilities and therefore quite different from the likes of tools like NUnit. tap.exe runs test scripts and expects to see output that conforms to the TAP protocol on their stdouts. Taps requires .NET to be installed on Windows and Mono to be installed on Unix. Installation - Windows ---------------------- You can install Taps in Windows using the binary installer. The binary installer installs Taps with documentation and samples in ProgramFiles/Taps and puts a copy of tap.exe in SystemRoot\System32 so it appears in the path. The installer adds an item 'Taps' in the start menu with links to the documentation and the uninstaller. Installation - Unix ------------------- To install on Unix, download taps-unix-install.tar.gz and extract it. taps-unix-install.tar.gz contains this README and an archive called taps-bin-unix.tar.gz. You can install Taps on Unix by extracting the taps-bin-unix.tar.gz in the right location. taps-bin-unix.tar.gz contains a bin, lib and share dir. The place where you extract taps-bin-unix.tar.gz should have an overlapping bin dir that is in your path. For example, if your system has an /opt/local/bin, and it is in your path, you could extract as follows: tar -xzf taps-bin-unix.tar.gz -C /opt/local You need admin rights to do that. If the archive magically got gunzipped during download, use -xf instead of -xzf. If you don't have an /opt/local, other places that may be appropriate for your system may be /usr/local, /usr, or /. This installs a command 'tap' in your path. You can verify that it works by entering 'tap -h' on the command line. Documentation and samples are installed in <installroot>/share/doc/taps-testing. Compilation ----------- If you want to compile Taps yourself you can do so by downloading the source distribution and running make.pl in the ./tap directory. Compiling Taps requires that the .NET framework v3.5 is installed on your Windows system, or Mono 2.4 (older 2.x version may work too) on your Unix system. Running make.pl requires Perl (e.g. from <www.activestate.com>). For .NET on Windows, run "perl make.pl". For Mono on Unix, run "perl make.pl mono". To compile the documentation run make.pl in the ./doc directory. Compiling the documentation requires xsltproc and docbook xsls; see docbook.sourceforge.net. For .NET on Windows, run "perl make.pl". For Mono on Unix, run "perl make.pl mono". Contact ------- The project home is <http://code.google.com/p/taps-testing>. Questions ? You can contact the author, Frank van Dijk, at 'taps.testing at gmail dot com'. Bugs ? Use the issue tracker at the project's google code page.