
Project Overview, Roadmap, Contributing etc

Development Status for Week of 12/4

Our current goals revolve around the transition to a more robust architecture for the entire stack.


Assigned Tasks for this week



Digital Ocean Space (AWS S3 Clone) integration for Android -> Lei

Android deployment automation -> Surbhi



Install postGRES/postGIS on cloud server for development -> Zaven (deepwinter)

First work on new web map API in node.js -> JEM

Authentication for new android API in node.js -> Interrupt

Implement clustering inside postGIS -> Anuja

Create development infrastructure -> Zaven



Create treetracker web map example embed -> Sameera


Unassigned Tasks



Remove retake photo button: Greenstand/treetracker-android#23

Crash report on Sync: Greenstand/treetracker-android#21

GPS Location Recording: Greenstand/treetracker-android#22

First view of new tree page is blank: Greenstand/treetracker-android#19


Web Map

Map icon pixelated when many points: Greenstand/treetracker-web-map-api#1