
Deep Reinforcement Learning based stock trading

Primary LanguagePython


A reinforcement learning based trading agent that uses Double Deep Q-Learning with Prioritized Experience Replay (DDQN w/ PER).

How it works

Performs actions corresponding to buying or selling stocks within range of [-max_trans, max_trans] based on current state. The state is composed of the account balance, current number of owned stocks, previous stock closing prices, Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) momentum indicator, and the MACD signal line.

Trains on multiple episodes of buying/selling stocks on randomly initialized start day, episode length, price scaling, and account balance. These randomized episodes are to help with robustness/generalization.

How to Run

Train the agent on 1000 episodes, and write out validation

python3 main.py --epsilon 0.05 --batch_size 64 --n_episodes 1000 --max_train_days 512 --val_period 50 --lstm_timesteps 14

Test the agent

python3 main.py --epsilon 0.05 --batch_size 64 --n_episodes 1000 --max_train_days 512 --val_period 50 --lstm_timesteps 14 --load --run_test

List of all the CLI arguments are given in main.py. They can also be listed out by running:

python3 main.py --help


The final balance reflects the account balance + number of stocks * final stock closing price. From the validation balance plot below, it is apparent that the policy is a bit unstable, even though the training loss continuously decreases.

Training plot using 14 timesteps and 10 maximum transactions Training Plot

Final test results Test Plot

I tested against two different baselines, one where you randomly buy/sell stocks and one where you only buy stocks and hold. Below the are the results on the testing set with an initial balance of $10,000.

Method Final Balance
Random $11914.115
DDQN w/ PER $15355.321
Only Buy $15616.097

The DDQN w/ PER was able to do better than random, but not better than only buying stocks and holding.