
Why vanilla JavaScript isn't used for large applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Why Frameworks Matter

The repository features different libraries and frameworks which solve the same problem: searching stories from Hacker News and show the results in a list in a browser. It should show how the same thing can be achieved with different solutions. But most important, it should show why large applications are not built with vanilla JavaScript anymore. Read more about it: Why Frameworks Matter.


  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • ES6 JavaScript
  • React
  • React (with hooks)
  • Vue
  • AngularJS 1.x
  • Angular 2+
  • NextJs

Looking for contributions:

  • Ember
  • Preact
  • Others

Getting Started

  • globally install a http server once: npm install http-server -g
  • move into one of the given folders
  • serve application: http-server
  • visit the URL shown in the command line