Play Framework based server that makes it possible, if unpleasant, to create and interact with CodeCraft game instances over an HTTP API.
- JDK 8
- sbt
After installing the requirements and cloning the repository, run sbt run
to start the server.
You can observe the next game to be started by opening http://localhost:9000/observe in your browser.
To automatically zoom out to see the entire map and keep joining games after they finish, visit http://localhost:9000/observe?autorestart=true&autozoom=true.
In my experience performance is best in Chrome.
If you close the browser while a game instance is still running, that game instance will be terminated after a timeout period.
CodeCraft and/or this server suffer from memory leaks so the server eventually slows down and crashes.
See for an example of how to use the HTTP API.
Good luck.