
Simple npm init / yarn create bin package to add release-it setup used by rwjblue.

This will do the following:

  • add release-it config to the package.json
  • install required dependencies,
  • add a
  • add a
  • update your repository's labels with my "go to" defaults



  1. Obtain a GitHub personal access token.
  2. Make sure the token is available as the GITHUB_AUTH environment variable. For instance:
export GITHUB_AUTH=abc123def456

Freshly Configuring a Repo

When you want to set up a repo with release-it, you can run:

# in a yarn repo
yarn create rwjblue-release-it-setup

# in an npm repo
npm init rwjblue-release-it-setup

Updating an Already Configured Repo

If you'd like to update an existing repo to use the latest and greatest setup, you can run:

# in a yarn repo
yarn create rwjblue-release-it-setup --update

# in an npm repo
npm init rwjblue-release-it-setup --update

Only Sync Labels

If you'd like to run only the label sync, you can do that with:

# in a yarn repo
yarn create rwjblue-release-it-setup --labels-only

# in an npm repo
npm init rwjblue-release-it-setup --labels-only


This project is licensed under the MIT License.