
Perl programming module to parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays

Primary LanguagePerl

Module: Text::ParseWords
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This is a CORE module. If you installed perl 5.003 or above, an
old version of this module is already available to you.

Please run "perldoc Text::ParseWords" to see what this module
is for.

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To update your core, simply perform these usual steps:

make test
make install

Authors of Text::ParseWords
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Maintainer: Alexandr Ciornii.

Previous maintainer: Hal Pomeranz <pomeranz@netcom.com>, 1994-1997 (original
author unknown).  Much of the code for &parse_line() (including the
primary regexp) from Joerk Behrends <jbehrends@multimediaproduzenten.de>.

Examples section another documentation provided by John Heidemann 

Bug reports, patches, and nagging provided by lots of folks -- thanks
everybody!  Special thanks to Michael Schwern <schwern@envirolink.org>
for assuring me that a &nested_quotewords() would be useful, and to 
Jeff Friedl <jfriedl@yahoo-inc.com> for telling me not to worry about
error-checking (sort of-- you had to be there).