
Primary LanguagePythonBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


Pulse generator for the IceStick FPGA eval board designed using amaranth.


pulser is a set of amaranth modules and a script to dynamically generate gateware implementing the specified pulse sequence. The FPGA is reflashed every time you want to change the sequence, which takes around ten seconds from script execution to operation.



We need to install amaranth, which is a Python library. See the documentation, but the simplest way to get it is with pip:

pip3 install amaranth


Board-specific platform information (like which pins are mapped to I/O, LEDs, etc.) is contributed by the community and packaged as a separate library, amaranth-boards.

pip3 install amaranth-boards


YOSYS is the open-source toolchain used to synthesize the design. It may be packaged for your distribution (Check the version! See amaranth docs), but the most foolproof way is to install via the YoWASP package. It uses pip to install versions of the tools compiled to WebAssembly. They will take longer to run the first time as they compile, and are slightly slower than native builds, but are cross-platform and easy to get.

If you are using YoWASP, the binaries will be prepended with yowasp-. For amaranth to find them, environment variables need to be set. Without doing anything, you would need to type:

YOSYS=yowasp-yosys NEXTPNR_ICE40=yowasp-nextpnr-ice40 ICEPACK=yowasp-icepack python3 -m pulser 1 1 1 1

You have three options (laziest first):

  1. You can invoke pulser with the -y flag, which automatically sets them:

    python3 -m pulser -y 1 1 1 1

  2. You can use the yowasp-env script on POSIX systems to set the envvars and exec into the next command:

    ./yowasp-env python3 -m pulser 1 1 1 1

    This is necessary for running the simulations, as they don't support -y (or any other flags):

    ./yowasp-env python3 pulser/lib/pulsestep.py

  3. You can set these envvars in your shell's rc file

Yosys under Windows

YoWASP works perfectly well on Windows, and is the easiest way to install yosys. However, it's missing the iceprog programmer that actually programs the FPGA. You can use a different program to flash the .bin file, or use the fpga-binutils package to provide iceprog. Download the latest prebuilt binaries, extract the folder somewhere, and add C:\path\to\fpga-binutils-64\mingw64\bin folder to your PATH environment variable. You may also need to use the Zadig tool with the IceStick plugged in to switch the driver from WinUSB to libusbK.

gtkwave (simulation only)

You will also need GTKWave if you want to view the generated .vcd waveforms from the simulation test benches. This is optional.

The libraries in lib/ all have an example testbench that will be simulated when you run them directly:

python3 pulser/lib/pulsestep.py

This will write pulsestep.vcd to the current directory, which you can view in gtkwave.

Running the script

The easiest way to use pulser is to run it as a script, which you can do without installing it just by being in the project directory:

cd pulser
python3 -m pulser -h

This will show the help text. To set the clock to 204 MHz and program a pulse sequence with an initial delay of 1 cycle (the minimum possible), a 10 cycle pulse length, then a break of 25 cycles, and finally a second pulse of 15 cycles, we specify the following. Let's assume for fun that we are using YoWASP, so we pass the -y flag too:

python3 -m pulser -f 204 -y 1 10 25 15

The script will create a build directory containing build artifacts, and pulser.bin. This is what you want to flash the FPGA with. YoWASP doesn't distribute iceprog, but a copy is in fpga-binutils (check the prebuilt binaries). You can have the script automatically flash the FPGA when it's done synthesizing by passing the -u flag.

This example can be tested with an oscilloscope monitoring PMOD pin 2. The pulse sequence will trigger whenever a signal is on PMOD pin 1. Without a function generator? The probe cal 1 kHz signal on most scopes works for this in a pinch.

Blinking LED example

An even simpler example that requires no test equipment simply flashes the LED three times on a one second period after reset, then stops:

python3 examples/blink.py


This is an under-the-hood look at the design. The pulser script is just one design built out of these primitives, and it's easy to make your own.


This is a chained primitive to describe pulse transitions, toggling the state of a signal after duration cycles have elapsed, and outputting a second chainable signal to start the next PulseStep instance. A two-pulse output would have four PulseStep instances, one to set the rising edge of the first pulse after a minimum delay of one cycle from the initial trigger rising edge, a second to set the falling edge of the first pulse, a third to set the rising edge of the second pulse, and a fourth to set the falling edge of the second pulse.


For the following example module Top:

class Top(Elaboratable):
    def __init__(self):
        self.init = Signal()
        self.trg = Signal()
        self.out = Signal()

    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        p1 = PulseStep(1)
        p2 = PulseStep(2)
        p3 = PulseStep(3)
        p4 = PulseStep(4)

        m.submodules += [
        m.d.comb += [
        return m

We can write the following testbench

dut = Top()
def bench():
    # Note: yield by itself steps through one clock cycle
    # Note: yield expr sets expr, but does not step through a clock cycle

    # Run a few cycles
    for _ in range(3):
    # Start the pulse event
    yield dut.trg.eq(1)
    # Wait until pulses are done
    for _ in range(13):
    # Reset
    yield dut.trg.eq(0)
    for _ in range(9):
    # Do it again
    yield dut.trg.eq(1)

sim = Simulator(dut)
sim.add_clock(1e-6, domain="sync")
with sim.write_vcd("pulsestep.vcd"):
    sim.run_until(40e-6, run_passive=True)

After running the simulation, pulsestep.vcd file looks something like this in GTKWave:

clk ‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_‾_

trg ____‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾__________________‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

out ______‾‾‾‾______‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾__________________________‾‾‾‾______‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾______

We see that the delays from the trigger rise to subsequent output transitions are 1, 2, 3, and 4 cycles, and that it resets and runs a second time. Great!


This triggers on a rising edge of the input signal, holding the output trigger high for block cycles, during which it ignores the input.

PLL(freq_in, freq_out)

This wraps a verilog module like that produced by icepll to set the PLL. See the full design example to see how to integrate it and use it as the default clock domain.