Tool for calculating seasonal precipitation

This project is licensed under the MIT licence. This project includes a copy of multigrids, and code based on from the atm project which is licensed under the MIT licence.

Utility help

Utility for creating seasonal precipitation products by summing monthly
raster files. 

    --monthly-data-directory: path
        input monthly raster data
    --out-directory: path
        Directory to save results at
    --season: string
        Season to sum precipitation for. Seasons are defined below 
        with inclusive month ranges
        'winter' for Oct(year N) - Mar(year N+1)
        'early winter' for Oct - Nov
        summer for Apr - Sept
    --sort-method: string, optional
        'default' to use Python's `sorted` method or,
        'snap' use a function to sort SNAP raster files which are
        named '*_MM_YYYY.*'

    python spc/ --monthly-data-directory=./ --out-directory=./ 
        --season=winter --sort-method=snap