
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Welcome to Lede, Summer 2014!

On this page you will a list of useful resources and requirements for the program.

  • Course list and discussion boards are on Piazza
    Use Piazza to ask questions, post links and notes. Get the Android or iOS app to stay connected.

  • IRC: we are planning to host a chat room on freenode, stay tuned for details
    Use the channel during class to comment on or discuss the daily proceedings.

  • Open Lab: M-Th 2-4pm at the Butler Studio (Butler 208)
    Stop by for office hours, work on your assignments, start and finish projects, or just hang out.

  • Happy Hour: TBA Informal ah-hoc gatherings to share drinks and ideas.

Bootsrap: things to do before classes start

  1. Run system update on your machine
  2. Sign up for an Amazon AWS account (it is free, but you will be asked to enter your CC)
  3. Windows users ONLY install Babun
  4. Mac users install TextWrangler. Windows users install Notepad++
  5. Markdown editors: Mac users install MOU. On Windows go with Markdown Pad.
  6. Open a GitHub account. Send your username to Charles B., your TA.
  7. Install Git. Follow the instructions for your OS.
  8. Install Pip
  9. Install iPython
  10. Follow the instructions on the site to install Pandoc

Come to the lab and/or post to Piazza if you are having problems.