
My yt-dlp setup for downloading YouTube playlists and music

yt-dlp Configs

My yt-dlp setup for downloading YouTube playlists and music

Shell Commands

The following commands are plain shell commands. If under Linux, make sure to first install all dependencies like ffmpeg, mutagen and so on.

Downloads all playlists of a channel, and then the remaining videos of the channel that were not in any playlist

yt-dlp /Channel/Playlists-Link /Channel/-Link -o "%(playlist_title)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s" --download-archive archive.txt --embed-thumbnail --embed-metadata

Crops the thumbnail to be quatratic and embeds it into the mp3 file

yt-dlp LINK -f bestaudio -x --audio-format mp3 --convert-thumbnail png --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail --ignore-config --audio-quality 0 --ppa "ffmpeg: -c:v mjpeg -vf crop=\"'if(gt(ih,iw),iw,ih)':'if(gt(iw,ih),ih,iw)'\""

Cropped Thumbnail screenshot

Find out the IDs of non available YouTube Videos

This Command appends the IDs of not available YouTube-Videos to nichtverfuegbar.txt. Run this command after downloading your playlist with --download-archive at least once. If you want to seperate the individual runs, run first:

echo ********************* >> nichtverfuegbar.txt

Then run the following command:

yt-dlp --get-id --download-archive archiv.txt --flat-playlist --ignore-config --cookies-from-browser chrome LINK >> nichtverfuegbar.txt